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In the crowded future , In the crowded future is welcome company in uncertain times. From them a voice emerges, that of a fellow friend and traveller bending the reader's ear. These are poems for the non-poet and poet alike, offering a glimpse into the crowded future. Gurland is a student of Seamus Heaney and his influence shows. The poems in In the crowded future entice with their short forms and familiar, often conversational, tone. They frequently surprise, are wryly humorous, and leave the reader with more then they came for. They have also been described as deceptively simple. The poems resonate, revealing the extraordinary lurking just below the surface of the seemingly ordinary. David Daniels, former editor of Ploughshares writes: "When I first read these poems, I almost laughed out loud at how good they were-how true and brilliant and natural and honest. And how they could also have gone terribly wrong-but didn't. Time and again, I had the same reaction as I realized that Greer has found her way to a very special achievement. I believe this collection will reach a wide and grateful audience, and I'm honored to count myself among the grateful and to have been a witness to the beginning of an important career." Gurland earned her degree in English and American Literature and Language from Harvard College in 1991. Lucie Brock-Broido selected her to receive the Academy of American Poets Prize for Harvard College. Gurland attended Harvard Law School graduating in 1994. She then spent time raising a family and eventually advocating for children with special needs. During this journey, she discovered that writing remained an indispensable tool for forging meaning in the small moments that shape our lives, and for recording our humanity especially in times of uncertainty. Writes Michael Blumenthal, former Director of the Creative Writing Department at Harvard, "The quiet wisdom in these poems, their serenity in times of turbulence, can help us return us to the peacefulness we all seek, and so often find it difficult to achieve." In 2017, Gurland won the Baumeister Creative Writing Scholarship from Fairleigh Dickinson University where she went on to earn her MFA in Poetry in 2020. Finishing Line Press published her debut collection It Just So Happens...Poems to Read Aloud in 2018. The volume won national acclaim including Human Relations Indie Book Award Director's Choice Award 2018 Life Experiences Book of the Year. In the crowded future is Gurland's second volume of poetry. Gurland's themes suggest that she is a humanist in every sense of the word. By reading her work, one feels more human, at least more connected to the poet, and in a way that feels intimate, honest and ultimately, important. The crowded future seems brighter because of these poems. Lost human connections these days call for poems that instill the essence of humanity. These poems, like parables, each offer a glimpse into the future when society re-emerges forever changed. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 18.18 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Raumfahrt-Hoodie in der Farbe weiss von Mey & Edlich. Mehr Space im Kopf. Dass es auf dieser Welt immer enger wird, kann man auch mögen, weil man so viele Leute kennenlernt. Für gelegentliche Auszeiten bieten sich die unendlichen Weiten und der nicht genutzte Raum im Kopf an. Dieses Kapuzen-Sweatshirt soll Motivation und Aufforderung sein, genau das zu tun. Einfach mal über den Schüsselrand gucken. Und - der größte Spaß - es mit anderen teilen. Wer dennoch für sich bleiben möchte, nutzt die schöne große Kapuze.
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Mourning Becomes Black , New York, where rich men hide behind walls in stately mansions, or penthouse apartments with young women as they satisfy their sexual cravings in unconventional ways. Alex: "The few times I see my husband and lover, Maximillian Blackstone, I'm thinking of the irresistible sexy Robert Montgomery. When I run into him in the elevator and when he touches me in passing, I feel as if I have committed adultery. It is a sin how he gazes at me as if he could take me and devour me. It is a sin how he whispers into my ear, when passing, telling me what he wants to do to me, or what I can do to him. I have committed a sin because I can't control my heart, and my husband Maximillian Blackstone will no longer be in control of it. Before long, Robert will have me completely." Max: "Alex thinks that all I care about is my business and my sons, and she thinks I don't know that she has become infatuated with someone. She tried to hide it, but I feel it when we are in bed. I feel space between us. I will put a stop to it before my heart does something irrational in the name of love." Robert: "I will make my move on Alex and take her from Maximillian. I know what a young woman desires and needs. She needs a man that's available to satisfy her. But she has proven difficult and loyal to Maximilian. I know she wants me, especially when she sees me with other women, it shows in her face. Jealousy is the key to her." Is jealousy all it takes for Robert to take Alex from Max? Will Max put business before Alex? , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
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The Day After , The Day After is a true story drawn from the power of human psychology and mental strength. It is a story that moves the reader to tears; a story regarding coincidence and our inability as human beings to assess the likelihood of an event occurring that deviates drastically from the normal frameworks that we are familiar with. Noa is a beautiful, successful, and respected attorney, a Doctor of Law, a legal author, and the former CEO of a start-up company that developed algorithms for identifying the behavior of casino players. She has conquered great heights and fulfilled her deepest dreams. She is well known in Israel, where her successes have been widely covered by the Israeli press, as well as on television and radio. Shai is a handsome and impressive man, happily married and the father of three children. He is an attorney who lectures on legal issues, specializing in cyber law and technology. He is accredited as an expert witness able to give professional options in his areas of expertise - international and Israeli cyber law. He has many outstanding achievements and qualities and attained senior positions despite the many difficulties he experienced as a child. Even though he only completed ten years of formal school education, had severe learning disabilities, and, as a child, frequently heard the sentence 'nothing will come of you' (a message that is engraved into his heart and soul to the present day, he completed, in a relatively short space of time, four degrees in computer science, law, and business administration. One secret is woven into both their hearts, binding them together. This secret revolves around our inability as a society to consider the possibility of an extreme, out of the ordinary event occurring. A formative event that will change the very fabric of our being and our understanding of ourselves. This shared secret led to a mental and physical crisis, which forced them to confront questions regarding the fundamental nature of life and to begin an extraordinary journey of self-realization into the depths of psychology and mental strength. A journey intertwined with friendship and true love. What are the chances of them ever meeting? , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
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Teleglitch: Die More Edition Steam CD Key Platform: Steam Release Date: 24 Jul 2013 Product Description In a cold, dark future dominated by mega-corporations, a small lonely planet on the edge of habitable space is the site of a shadowy research facility specializing in necrotic tissue reactivation. You are a scientist who has suddenly awoken to the realization that you are the lone survivor. The rest of the facility's personnel have all been killed – micro-chipped and reactivated as combatan...
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The amicus curiae in Brazilian constitutionality control , The aim of this paper is to analyse the institute of the amicus curiae, in the light of doctrine and jurisprudence, seeking to study its origin, definitions, procedural possibilities and the effects of its intervention, as well as to analyse the social and legal importance of its intervention in constitutional jurisdiction today. A brief history of amici curiae and constitutionality control in Brazil is presented, the relevant legislation and case law are examined, and the purpose and acceptance of this institute are discussed. The line of thought accepted by the best doctrine for tackling the issue raised is pointed out. , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen
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Breathedge is an ironic outer space survival adventure game. Take on the role of a simple guy called the Man who is just carrying his grandpa's ashes to a galactic funeral and suddenly finds himself in the middle of a universal conspiracy. Welcome to Space A massive space hearse suffers a wreck in the deep space, leaving the area filled with debris, coffins, dead passengers and yourself. Survive in this interstellar dump, uncover a global conspiracy, save the princess and don't break your fin...
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Das Space Shuttle konnte eine maximale Geschwindigkeit von etwa 28.000 Kilometern pro Stunde erreichen. Dies entspricht ungefähr der 25-fachen Schallgeschwindigkeit. Bei der Rückkehr in die Erdatmosphäre bremste das Space Shuttle jedoch ab, um sicher zu landen.
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Das hängt von der genauen Modellvariante ab. Das MacBook Air ist in verschiedenen Farben erhältlich, einschließlich Silber und Space Grau. Um sicher zu sein, kannst du die genaue Modellbezeichnung überprüfen oder das Gerät visuell inspizieren, um die Farbe zu bestimmen.
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Wie viel Staffeln gibt es von Lost in Space? Lost in Space hat bisher drei Staffeln, die auf Netflix veröffentlicht wurden. Die Serie basiert lose auf der gleichnamigen Serie aus den 1960er Jahren. Jede Staffel besteht aus etwa 10 Episoden, die jeweils etwa eine Stunde lang sind. Die Serie handelt von einer Familie, die auf einem fremden Planeten ums Überleben kämpft.
Wie lange braucht ein Space Shuttle zur ISS?
Wie lange braucht ein Space Shuttle zur ISS? Ein Space Shuttle benötigt in der Regel etwa 8 bis 15 Minuten, um die Erdumlaufbahn zu erreichen, nachdem es von der Startrampe abgehoben ist. Von dort aus dauert es dann etwa 6 Stunden, um die Internationale Raumstation (ISS) zu erreichen. Dies hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren wie der genauen Flugbahn, der Geschwindigkeit des Shuttles und der Position der ISS ab. Insgesamt beträgt die Reisezeit vom Start bis zur Ankunft an der ISS also etwa 6 bis 7 Stunden.
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Um sich als internationaler Schüler an der Seoul National University (SNU) zu bewerben, müssen Sie zunächst die Zulassungsvoraussetzungen überprüfen und sicherstellen, dass Sie alle erforderlichen Dokumente vorbereiten. Dazu gehören in der Regel ein Bewerbungsformular, Zeugnisse, Empfehlungsschreiben, ein Motivationsschreiben und ein Sprachnachweis. Sie müssen sich dann online bewerben und die erforderlichen Unterlagen einreichen. Es ist auch wichtig, die Bewerbungsfristen einzuhalten und gegebenenfalls ein Aufnahmegespräch oder eine Eignungsprüfung abzulegen.
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Wie fandet ihr "Lost in Space"?
Als KI habe ich keine persönlichen Meinungen oder Empfindungen. Allerdings kann ich sagen, dass "Lost in Space" bei vielen Zuschauern auf positive Resonanz gestoßen ist. Die Serie wird oft für ihre visuellen Effekte, die spannende Handlung und die gut entwickelten Charaktere gelobt.
Wie startet ein Space Shuttle?
Ein Space Shuttle startet normalerweise von einer speziellen Startrampe auf einer Raumfahrtbasis. Zuerst werden die Triebwerke gezündet, um das Shuttle von der Startrampe abheben zu lassen. Während des Starts werden die Triebwerke kontinuierlich überwacht, um sicherzustellen, dass alles nach Plan verläuft. Sobald das Shuttle die Erdatmosphäre verlassen hat, werden die Feststoffraketen abgetrennt und das Shuttle fliegt weiter mit Hilfe seiner Haupttriebwerke. Schließlich erreicht das Shuttle seine Umlaufbahn und kann seine Mission im Weltraum fortsetzen.